Never Again! The Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921

Enterprise Radio welcomes Susan E. Atkins (retired media relations professional, with more than 40-years of communication experience) to its ranks. Never Again!, is her story. That brings to life the most heinous atrocity perpetrated by Americans against Americans in US history — the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921.

Enterprise Radio’s latest episode is in association with Author Channel.

Hear to host Eric Dye & guest Susan E. Atkins discuss the following:

  1. Please tell us about your life and the inspiration behind this book.
  2. Please tell us a little bit about your book.
  3. What is the point of waiting so long for people to speak about this event.
  4. Name some characters featured in the book.
  5. This book is aimed at who specifically?
  6. Is there any advice you can give first-time authors? Is there anything that you wish you had done differently, if it were possible?
  7. Recent news has focused a lot on hate crimes and racism. Are you satisfied with the progress we have made in race relations or do we still feel like we are where we were?
  8. What can communities do for race relations education?

Susan E. AtkinsA retired professional in media relations with more than 40 year of experience.Teaching journalism at Tulsa University was part of her experience. She was formerly vice president at a Fortune 500 company and founded her media agency. This service caters to California’s booming biotech industry.Re she lived forty years. After selling the company, she retired from that business to join an international communications firm and is now living in the US Virgin Islands.

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Never again! Enterprise Podcast Network – EPN first published The Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921.

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