4 Foundational Values to Building a Brand on Social Media

If you do a simple Google search on personal branding, articles will be found about logos, colors and brand identities. These are important, but personal branding does not just refer to the product. Your colors, logo and personality will not be enough to make people feel connected with you. This is why I’m sharing the core values that catapulted me brand. It will continue to do so if you stay true to them.

1. Be A Leader

Leadership inspires and motivates people to do better. Their followers benefit by them being there to help in any emergency. They then share their experiences with others. Your content should reflect this. As the leader you are setting the standards.

Social media is full of people looking to find someone they can follow. You can be that person they look up to. Your personal brand is the beacon that leads them up the mountain. 

2. Overcome the negative

Negativity is all around the globe. In fact, social media is filled with it. You can feel hate, anger and other negative emotions everywhere. Be a beacon of hope and a lighthouse instead.

Positive branding should be positive and not negative. Now I’m not talking about toxic positivity in which everything about your content is you happy, and you only share all your successes. But make sure that with the content you’re sharing, you embody positive qualities of life and put out good energy.

Imagine you’re at a gathering, and you’re with people who are super negative the whole time. You probably won’t stay long and are going to find some excuse to leave right away. 

Now imagine you’re at that same party, and you find a cheerful group of people who are always hunting the good stuff out of life. And no matter what they’re dealing with, they are always looking at ways to improve themselves. You will be happy around people you like and want to spread that positive energy through your brand.

“Your brand is a gateway to your true work. You know you are here to do something – to create something or help others in some way. How can you make your work and life easier so you can achieve this? Your brand is the key to your success. When you create a compelling brand you attract people who want the promise of your brand – which you deliver.” – Dave Buck

3. Take the initiative to be you

You instantly make people feel good about yourself when you step out of the door. From the way your hair looks, how you walk, and what you’re wearing, you are portraying your brand.

People don’t want to be faking it until they make it. They are looking for natural leaders who can truly lead. People are sick of fake life and hype on social media. Because they are able to be themselves, they will naturally gravitate toward your brand. 

They want someone who is comfortable and confident in their own skin. Because honestly, when they meet you in person, they’re going to get the real you, and you never want to be known as a different person online than you are offline. You should be yourself online as well as offline to reflect your personality.

4. Relationship > Money

People can tell when you’re all about the money and monetizing. And even more importantly, people can tell when you don’t care about them and care about making money. It’s called monetization breath.

One relationship is enough to make millions of dollars if it holds true to the principle that people are more important than profit. For years I have focused on developing relationships with people. Now, as I launch products and services, I am surrounded by a hugely valuable network of people who can help me. So many times, I don’t even have to ask; they come to ask me how they can help. 

Get started today! 

The building of a personal branding has changed my life. It also helped me to manage my bank account and see the potential for social media. Be a leader you can follow today. 

Be positive and optimistic, not negative. People want to see the true you and not fakes. Let go of the monetization breath and start building genuine relationships with followers. 

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